Mycotoxins : Aflatoxin B&G Aflatoxin M1 Ochratoxin A Zearalenone Deoxynivalenol Patulin
More detailsMarjaan Khatam Co. has the Inspection license in inspection of local and exported goods in following fields
More detailsMarjaan Khatam Co. has two licenses from Iran National standard Organization (INSO)
More detailsMarjaan Khatam Service, Education and Research Company (Special Shares) (Danesh Banyan) was registered as a completely private and independent company in 2010 in the General Directorate of Registration of Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions of Tehran Province and started its activities in the same year.
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Food Contamination with Heavy Metals It may be hard for us to imagine that there are heavy metals in our food! You may ask yourself: "What the hell are the heavy metals and how can they contaminate my food?"
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Eggs are recognized as a highly valuable food source and hold significant importance in human diets. Eggs are an excellent and cost-effective source of high-quality proteins and beneficial fats, which help meet the body’s energy needs. In addition, eggs can provide micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals essential for the body’s health.
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In the mid-19th century, James Caleb Jackson, a physician who recognized the importance of a healthy diet as an effective way to improve the physical and mental condition of patients, played a key role in
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After using the toilet and touching animals, we should wash our hands with warm water and soap before and after cooking food because bacteria may stick to our hands and contaminate food and other surfaces.
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History of Alzheimer's Disease Discovery Before the 20th century, memory problems and cognitive decline in elderly individuals were usually considered part of the natural aging process and
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Freezing is an effective method for long-term storage of meat. The fresher and higher quality the meat, the longer its shelf life when frozen. Freezing slows down the growth of pathogens (like bacterial infections) that can cause spoilage in food. Here are some important tips regarding freezing meat:
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Have you ever had a fever, diarrhea, and stomach cramps after eating food like meat, eggs, or raw vegetables that looked healthy and smelled and tasted as normal?
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Rice is one of the oldest agricultural products known to humanity. Since the dawn of civilization, it has been used as a vital grain in the humid regions of Asia and, to some extent, in West Africa