What can we do to prevent salmonella contamination?
After using the toilet and touching animals, we should wash our hands with warm water and soap before and after cooking food because bacteria may stick to our hands and contaminate food and other surfaces.
Never put cooked food into a container previously containing raw food and has yet not been washed.
Disinfect kitchen utensils with a solution of one tablespoon of Whitex in 4 liters of water and then rinse thoroughly to eliminate the effects of chlorine.
Fruits and vegetables should be washed well and, if possible, peel the fruit or remove a few outer leaves of vegetables such as lettuce and throw them away.
Thoroughly cooking food at a temperature of at least 75 ͦC will kill salmonella bacteria.
Do not leave perishable foods outside the refrigerator for more than two hours.
On hot days however, when the temperature is above 32 ͦC, these foods can only be left out of the refrigerator for one hour.
Prevent the accumulation of cockroaches and flies, especially in places where food is cooked.
If you are not sure about the safety of the water you drink while traveling, be sure to boil it and get the thought of swimming in rivers and eating in restaurants intercity out of your head.