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Toxic beauty - the risk of chemicals in beauty products

Toxic beauty - the risk of chemicals in beauty products

Researchers estimate that women are applying 515 chemicals a day to their skin through the use of beauty products.

How to buy healthy eggs

How to buy healthy eggs

Buying healthy eggs is a concern for many of us. Today, the priority of choice lies with the varieties that are hygienically packaged and are authentically labelled.

Acute risks associated with acrylamide in food

Acute risks associated with acrylamide in food

Acrylamide is a dangerous chemical compound that is produced during reactions in high-carbohydrated foods such as cereals and potatoes at temperatures above 120 ° C

Solutions to reduce Acrylamide

Solutions to reduce Acrylamide

Acrylamide is usually formed by cooking the starch-rich foods that are cooked or fried at temperatures above 120 degrees.

The story of Mary Mallon, the first carrier of salmonella

The story of Mary Mallon, the first carrier of salmonella

She was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogenic bacteria Salmonella typhi.

Sources of nitrate entry into the human body

Sources of nitrate entry into the human body

Excessive consumption of nitrogen chemical fertilizers by farmers can contaminate agricultural crops and groundwater and/ or drinking water with nitrate.

Strawberries, the number one product contaminated with pesticides

Strawberries, the number one product contaminated with pesticides

USDA tests found that strawberries were the fresh produce item most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues

Buying suitable and high-quality rice

Buying suitable and high-quality rice

he importance of rice as a strategic and widely consumed food product in Iran is obvious to everyone.

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